Playtomic's chat solution with Firebase Realtime DB

A few weeks ago we posted a question in our Playtomic dev blog and our developer network asking for chat solutions. Comments were broad, and we finally opted for a combination of Firebase + MessageKit/ChatKit. But let me make a quick recap of the different solutions available for each of the components (backend + apps):

Playtomic's Shared Architecture using Swift and Kotlin

Choosing the technology stack is one of the first and most important decisions when starting any project from scratch. At Playtomic, we knew that we wanted to pick a stack for the mobile apps that would allow us to deliver the best possible experience given our limited resources available.

Swift vs Kotlin for real iOS/Android apps

Swift and Kotlin are two great languages for iOS and Android development respectively. They both have very modern features and syntax that can help enormously to build native apps. But, how do they both compare to each other? Are they similar? Can we reuse more code between platforms if we adopt them in our projects? 

Swifty names for modules, protocols and implementation classes

Naming conventions are very important in software development for many reasons, but especially for readability. According to Wikipedia

Oddities of UIStackView

With iOS9, Apple introduced a new container view called UIStackView. Stack views can be seen as the iOS equivalent for the LinearLayout in Android. Likewise, the usage is pretty straightforward, especially if you from Interface Builder, and when used properly can save the developers lots of time.